Lola's place

Whatever Lola wants, Lola goetz. Of course.

Friday, July 27, 2012

Oh, hai

Just making a note that I'm still around and I do still use this account to leave comments for people. We now return you to our regularly scheduled program.

Thursday, July 08, 2010

Not dead yet. Nor in London

So my Gmail account was hacked today & a LOT of people I know got emails from me saying I was stranded in London & in desperate need of cash.

Yeah, not happening.

So if you got a spammy message from me, I sincerely apologize. Access restored, and password reset.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Still not here, but there

Every once in a while I just have to post over here to keep things semi-current. Especially since I leave comments on other blogs using my blogger account. I suppose I could just redirect, but I had trouble doing that the last time I tried.

Maybe at some point. Anyway, you can find me at my regular blog, linked in my profile or in some of the previous posts. If I link it too much, I get flagged as spam. Which I am most definitely not.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009


I'm participating in NaBloPoMo over at my other blog. Not much going on here, except using this account to leave comments. You can find links to in some of my other posts. If I link back to it every time I post, I get flagged as spam.

So I'm real, I occasionally post on other people's blogs, but I mostly post elsewhere. And trying to do so every day during the month of November. Oy!

Thursday, April 09, 2009

bad days ahead

I'm going to complain for a moment. Then back to the regularly scheduled quietness. (Apparently two posts with links back to my regular site has flagged me as spam. I don't know why. I just don't post here than often, but need a blogger account to comment on some blogger blogs.)

My uncle died. And I am so very sad about that. I've mentioned it on Twitter. Usually, my friends on there respond. But the silence is deafening. I don't need people rallying around me, fawning over me in sympathy. A quick "I'm sorry to hear that" or something of the sort would be nice though. What I really want, and my internet peeps can't provide, is somebody to just hold me, comfort me, and let me cry.

Wednesday, April 01, 2009

come see me!

At my regular blog, where I write more frequently. I started this account a long time ago, mostly to be able to comment on other people's sites.

Want to find me? Go here:

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Who is this person who commented on my site?

If you've seen a comment from me on your blog, and are wondering who I am...

I post on my personal site But some sites only allow blogger comments, so I have this account just for that purpose. So come on over and say hello if you'd like. :)